At J Spray Exterior Cleaning, our dedicated team uses industry-standard techniques to provide an exceptional clean to your home or business. Whether it's house washing, concrete/deck cleaning, or window cleaning, etc. We have got you covered. Call today to schedule a free visited quote and walk through.
Our house washing service uses safe and effective techniques to remove dirt, mold, and grime, leaving your home looking fresh and inviting. We treat your property with care, ensuring a thorough clean without damaging surfaces.
Concrete Cleaning
Transform your driveways and patios with our concrete cleaning service. We utilize powerful equipment to eliminate stains and restore the original look of your concrete surfaces, enhancing your outdoor spaces.
Gutter Cleanout
Our gutter cleanout service invloves manually digging debris from the gutters. We will remove the downspout (if neccesary) to check for clogs. A rinse of all gutters will be used as a test to ensure no leaks and good drainage.
Window Cleaning
Enjoy crystal-clear views with our professional window cleaning service. We use industry-standard techniques to ensure your windows are spotless, allowing natural light to brighten your home.
About J Spray Exterior Cleaning
J Spray Exterior Cleaning LLC is not only a power washing company because we offer a variety of different services. Not only do we want to work for our customers, but we want to be able to grow our relationships with our customers as well.
Before & After
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Business Hours
Mon - Sat
1786 Mercer West Middlesex Road, Mercer, PA 16137-2728, US